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DeKalb County Senior Citizens Club Collection

Identifier: RHC-RC-197

Scope and Contents

The DeKalb County Senior Citizens Clubs Collection consists of two series: Waterman, Illinois Elderberries Club and the Hinckley, Illinois Golden Age Club. Series I contains the minutes of the Waterman Elderberries Club for the years 1976-1986. Series II consists of the minutes and attendance lists for the Hinckley Golden Age Club. Also included in Series II is a scrapbook that contains photographs, programs, and newspaper clippings.


  • created: 1974-1986
  • Other: Date acquired: 06/26/1986

Conditions Governing Access

There are no restrictions on access to materials in the collection.

Conditions Governing Use

Property rights in the collection belong to the Regional History Center; literary rights are dedicated to the public.

Biographical or Historical Information

Meeting the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month at the Community Building, the Waterman Elderberries serve a potluck dinner, followed by a program. The meeting usually ends with the seniors playing cards. Program speakers cover a variety of topics including such issues of importance to the elderly as Social Security, Medicare, winterizing gas bills, and health screening day. A goal of this organization is to aid the elderly, and to do this, meals... on wheels are taken to those who are unable to attend the meetings. They also supply transportation for the members to doctors' office and hospitals. Since its organization the Club has contributed many items to the Community Building. They have donated such items as a flag, card tables, a service table, new formica tops on the dining room tables, air conditioners, new window curtains, public address system, a ramp, and memorial money to buy new floor covering. The Golden Age Club of Hinckley also meets in the Community Building. Every second Thursday of the month approximately 50 members join together for a potluck lunch, a program, and to play cards. The members also gather to play cards on Tuesday afternoons. Anyone over 50 years of age can join the group. The Golden Age Club was founded by Harold and Ethel Koltz, Frieda Nurse, and Mrs. Powell on March 14, 1974. Their goals are to have something to look forward to, to have places to go, to make new friends, to revive old friendships, to improve their minds, and to visit those confined to their homes. Some of their activities include dances, trips, and games. Weekly dues of one dollar allow them to purchase items, such as tables, for the Community Building.

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1.00 Linear Feet

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Source of Acquisition

Illinois Golden Age Club  and Illinois Elderberries

Method of Acquisition

Two DeKalb County Senior Citizens Clubs donated their records to the Northern Illinois Regional History Center. The Hinckley, Illinois Golden Age Club donated their records on June 26, 1986 while the Waterman, Illinois Elderberries donated their records on September 30, 1987.

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Repository Details

Part of the Northern Illinois University Repository

Founders Memorial Library
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb IL 60115 US