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Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois Records

Identifier: SCA-RHCUA-RC-351

Scope and Contents

This collection consists of the historical collections of the four progenitor councils of the Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois (GSNI). Because of this, the collection contains different materials from these four councils. They do share similar categories of items however, so the breakdown of the council holdings is reflected at the sub-series level. Two of the councils that now make up GSNI went by different names in the past but this is not reflected... at every level of the collection. Sybaquay Council was formerly Elgin Council and Rock River Valley Council was formerly Rockford Council.

A large portion of the collection was in the form of scrapbooks, but most of these did not have titles. A high proportion of the Sybaquay council scrapbooks were assigned an accession number by the Sybaquay volunteers who collected these scrapbooks before they were donated to the Regional History Center. No list of these accession numbers was included with the collection but the numbers have been preserved in this finding aid for potential reference.

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  • Creation: 1912 - 2017

Biographical / Historical

The Girl Scouts of the United States of America was founded by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912. In 2023 they reported having over 1 million members. Their mission statement is to "[build] girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place." Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois (GSNI) was formed on October 1, 2009 from a merger of four Illinois councils: Fox Valley, Rock River Valley, Green Hills, and Sybaquay. The council serves... scouts within Kane, Kendall, McHenry, DeKalb, Boone, Winnebago, Stephenson, Ogle, Lee, Jo Daviess, Carroll and Whiteside counties.

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21 Linear Feet (24 boxes)

Language of Materials


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Related Materials

Researchers should refer to related materials held by the Regional History Center: Elizanne Lewis Collection (RC-339).

Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Northern Illinois University Repository

Founders Memorial Library
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb IL 60115 US