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American Association of University Women/Rockford Branch Records

Identifier: RHC-RC-248

Scope and Contents

The American Association of University Women, Rockford Branch, is divided into four series: Rockford Branch, State, National, and International. The first series documents the history of the Rockford Branch from its origination in 1929 through 2000. The records consist of bylaws, branch and board minutes, newsletters, yearbooks, membership information, treasurer’s reports, and scrapbooks. It is useful to note that the scrapbooks include copies... of the Rockford Files, newspaper clippings, photographs, programs and correspondence. The treasurer’s books provide information regarding dues, membership, check registers and other pertinent financial data. It is also important to note that in late 1991 the AAUW, Rockford Branch, newsletter changed its name from The Rockford File to The Initiative. Additional history of the AAUW can be found in the 70th Anniversary Planning Committee, 1999 folder (Box 8, Folder 13). Series II gives information about the AAUW, Illinois Division, from 1975 through 2000. The records consist of directories, bylaws, publications, convention materials and photographs. Series III contains information about the AAUW on a the National level. The records date from 1881 through 2000. This series includes history, bylaws, membership information, publications, and scholarship information. It is important to note that records for the Educational Foundation are contained in this series. They include annual reports, fellowship and grant information, and publications. Series IV, the International Series includes one folder containing information on the International Federation of University Women. Included in the addenda are records showing the activities of the Rockford Branch including fund-raising, programs, newsletters, and meeting minutes, and scrapbooks. The addenda also contains program year notebooks which include by-laws, agendas, general and board meeting minutes, budgets, photographs, programs, project information, newspaper articles, newsletters, and convention programs. The addenda beginning in box 29 contains material originally contained on a flash drive. The material from the flash drive have been printed out and arranged in their original order of the flash drive. The flash drive is also available in box 30, folder 8.

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  • created: 1881+
  • Other: Date acquired: 11/28/2000

Conditions Governing Access

There are no restrictions on access to the collection.

Conditions Governing Use

Property rights to the collection are held by the Regional History Center; literary rights are dedicated to the public.

Biographical or Historical Information

Organized mainly by faculty and graduates of Rockford College, the Rockford Branch of AAUW originated in 1929. Since its inception the Branch has focused its efforts on such issues as education, international relations, culture/art, social welfare, government and equity activities. In support of their causes the members have hosted a variety of fundraisers including teas, used book sales, cookbook sales, book reviews and dances. From the beginning,... members have been active in promoting educational opportunities for women. The Branch has supported a variety of local school referenda, and has been involved with SOURCE (Service of Uncovering Resources in the Community for Education) since its inception in 1970. The organization has developed various scholarship funds and in 1983 established the Mildred F. Berry Research & Projects Endowment Fund which provides grants to AAUW members to pursue community action projects. That same year it hosted the first annual Women in History Contest for 5th- 8th graders. AAUW has partnered the YWCA and League of Women Voters to offer classes on international relations and with Rock Valley College and others to produce the annual World Affairs Council conference which allowed two AAUW members to tour China. Culture, the Arts and Social Welfare are also on the list of interests of the AAUW, Rockford Branch. The organization has a Cultural Interest Representative who has been involved with the Rockford Arts Council since the late 1960s. Members of the AAUW and other groups have worked together to create, produced and direct a monthly, one hour public service broadcast, “Women Speak Out.” The organization also hosts art walks, theater parties, panel discussions and its annual “Beattie Is” festival. In furthering its interests in social welfare, the Branch hosted a series of money management courses for the disadvantaged, produced a booklet, “Let’s Talk Money,” and surveyed local nursery schools in an investigation of the need for care of children with working mothers. In additional to the organizations other interests, government and equity for women have always remained high on the list of priorities of the AAUW. The members wrote and published “The ABC’s of Local Government,” supported the Bill for Federal School Aid, sponsored one of a series of debates between U.S. Senator Charles Percy and challenger Alex Seith, and hosted the 1979 Division Conference where Maureen Reagan and Judy Carter spoke as a protest to Illinois’ lack of ratification of the Equal Rights Act. In 1984 the Branch joined four other women’s organizations to form the Personal & Professional Power Coalition to educate area women on the topic of power. The branch also co-sponsored the Career Carousel to explore non-traditional career options for women.

Note written by Historical Sketch taken from (History, 1929-1999, Box 1, Folder 1)

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15.25 Linear Feet

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Arrangement Note

The American Association of University Women, Rockford Branch, is divided into four series: Rockford Branch, State, National, and International.

Source of Acquisition

AAUW, Rockford Branch President, Sheryl Almquist

Method of Acquisition

The records of the American Association of University Women, Rockford Branch, were donated to the Northern Illinois Regional History Center by AAUW, Rockford Branch President, Sheryl Almquist, on November 28, 2000.

Accruals and Additions

Addenda to the collection were added at later dates.

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Repository Details

Part of the Northern Illinois University Repository

Founders Memorial Library
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb IL 60115 US