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Byron Grange No. 1810 Collection

Identifier: RHC-RC-210

Scope and Contents

The Byron Grange Collection dates from 1921 to 1992 with the majority of the collection consisting of meeting minutes. The remainder of the collection includes a rollbook, due books and program books, a scrapbook containing newspaper articles concerning the Home Economics Day, correspondence, an award of honor granted by the national grange, and 2 badges used the master and gate keeper. An addendum was added which consists mainly of Illinois State... Grange rosters and journal proceedings and the Illinois Granger. Additional rosters, proceedings, and Illinois Granger can be found in other grange records held by the Regional History Center.

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  • created: 1921-1992
  • Other: Date acquired: 05/11/1992

Conditions Governing Access

There are no restrictions on access to the collection.

Conditions Governing Use

Property rights in the collection are held by the Regional History Center; literary rights are dedicated to the public.

Biographical or Historical Information

The Byron Grange met for the first time on March 2, 1921 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seal, Bryon, Illinois. This was the first grange organized in Ogle County. Thirty-two charter members were sworn in that night with John Cooper chosen as master, Clarence Emery as secretary, and Dora Norton as lecturer. The meetings were held in member's homes but later moved to the community house. Byron Grange sponsored many organizations throughout the... years such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and the anti-tuberculosis fund.

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1.75 Linear Feet

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Source of Acquisition

Mrs. Charles Temple

Method of Acquisition

Mrs. Charles Temple of Winnebago, Illinois, donated the Byron Grange #1810 Collection to the Northern Illinois Regional History Center on May 11, 1992.

Related Materials

For further information regarding the Byron Grange the researcher should consult the Laura Cooper Collection, RC 44.  For further information concerning other granges in the northern Illinois region the researcher should consult the Regional Collections Guide.

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Repository Details

Part of the Northern Illinois University Repository

Founders Memorial Library
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb IL 60115 US