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Greater Northern Illinois Area Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa

Identifier: RHC-RC-347

Scope and Contents

Greater Northern Illinois Area (GNIA) Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa Records contains not only materials for GNIA, but also records from Phi Delta Kappa International, the NIU Chapter of PDK, and the Sinnissippi Illinois Chapter of PDK. Included are records regarding bylaws and constitutions, board minutes, financial records, memberships, correspondence, and programs and award ceremonies. The records date from 1994 to 2015, but predominantly range from... 2002 to 2015.

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  • created: 1994-2015
  • Other: Majority of material found in 2002-2015
  • Other: Date acquired: 09/15/2015

Conditions Governing Access

There are no restrictions on access to the collection.

Conditions Governing Use

Property rights to the materials belong to the Regional History Center; literary rights in the collection are dedicated to the public.

Biographical or Historical Information

Phi Delta Kappa (PDK) was founded on January 24, 1906 and is headquartered in Bloomington, Indiana. PDK is a professional organization for educators and those interested in education. It has grown into an international organization, Phi Delta Kappa International, which not only governs PDK but also two other professional societies, Pi Lambda Theta (PLT) and Educators Rising. PDK International has thousands of members, including teachers, principals,... and administrators, dedicated to improving education and is one of the world’s largest education associations. Its mission is “to grow and connect leaders in education” and its vision is “to be the experts in cultivating great educators for tomorrow while continuing to ensure high-quality education for today.” Members are affiliated directly through the international organization or one of several hundred chapters that are mostly located on college campuses. The NIU Chapter (#100) was established in 1957 and continued its existence until July 2008. The NIU Chapter merged with other local chapters, Will County PDK Chapter (#1374), North Central College/Haywood PDK Chapter (#1106), and Northwest Suburban Cook County PDK Chapter (#1315), to form the Great Northern Illinois Area PDK Chapter (#1600). At the time of the merger, there were 312 members in the of GNIA Chapter. In August 2010, the Sinnissippi PDK Chapter became part of the GNIA Chapter. The GNIA Chapter was disbanded on October 15, 2015.

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20 digital files (1.11 MB) other_unmapped

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Physical Access Requirements

Copies of the March 2003 photographs transferred from the 3.5" floppy are available for use.

Technical Access Requirements

Digital images may be accessed on the computer in the Center’s reading room.

Source of Acquisition

Brian Harris, NIU Chapter member and President from 2004-05.

Accruals and Additions

Co-Presidents Judy Maxwell and Pam Ferdinand donated the Great Northern Illinois Area Chapter of PDK records on December 16 and December 17, 2015. An additional donation was made in March 2016.


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Repository Details

Part of the Northern Illinois University Repository

Founders Memorial Library
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb IL 60115 US