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Ella Hume Taylor Collection (Geneseo)

Identifier: RHC-RC-034

Scope and Contents

The Ella Hume Taylor Collection is made up of materials collected by Mrs. Taylor from the Henry County area. The major portion of the collection is made up of letters, reminiscences, town and township histories obtained by Ella Hume Taylor in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Among these are autobiographical and biographical sketches of the ‘Old Settlers of Henry County’ Theodore Davenport, George Brandenburg, and others. Also included... are programs and by-laws of the Old Settlers Association of Henry County and the Henry County Historical Society dating from the same period. Another large portion of this collection is the history and records of the First Congregational Church of Geneseo, Illinois. These include centennial books from 1884, programs from church services (1918-1933), and several treasurer’s reports, as well as women’s club membership books, (1927-1937). In addition there are two record books for the Henry County Sunday School Association which date from 1912 to 1939. These books contain the executive meeting minutes, convention programs, attendance records, and treasurer’s reports.

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  • created: 1881-1940

Conditions Governing Access

There are no restrictions on access to the collection.

Conditions Governing Use

Property rights in the collection are held by the Regional History Center; literary rights are dedicated to the public.

Biographical or Historical Information

Ella Hume Taylor (1851-1928?) was born in Moline, Illinois, the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Stephen T. Hume. She was raised in Geneseo, Illinois, where her parents enjoyed considerable prominence. In 1873 Miss Hume married Peter H. Taylor, a Geneseo farmer and grain dealer. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were active in the First Congregational Church of Geneseo and Mrs. Taylor was an early secretary of the Henry County Historical Association in the late nineteenth... and early twentieth centuries. Mrs. Taylor’s daughter, Louise Martha Taylor, married a banker from Geneseo, Illinois, Mr. James H. White, in 1902. Mrs. White was active in the First Congregational Church of Geneseo and it is through her generosity that her mother’s materials came to the Regional History Center.

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1.75 Linear Feet

Language of Materials


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Source of Acquisition

behalf of Mrs. James H. White

Method of Acquisition

The Ella Hume Taylor Collection was donated to the Northern Illinois Regional History Center on behalf of Mrs. James H. White of Geneseo, Illinois. Mr. Gilbert Swanson of Cambridge, Illinois, transferred the collection to the Center on October 16, 1978.

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Repository Details

Part of the Northern Illinois University Repository

Founders Memorial Library
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb IL 60115 US