The Whitney House, no date
Scope and Contents
The Franklin Grove Collection contains a variety of documents detailing several facets of the community's history. One series comprises minutes and treasurer's account books, (1932-1980) from the Cross Roads Community Club. This club organized in the early 1930's to provide social and recreational entertainment programs for Franklin Grove families. Another series partially documents the Franklin Grove Nursery from 1844 to 1884. A.R. Whitney, owner of the nursery, developed the famous Whitney Crabapple. A partial run of the newspaper, The Franklin Reporter (1880-1956), telephone books (1929-1958), documentation on the Herbst Elevator Company as well as other companies in the area, and materials from the local historical society are included in the collection. An additional series contains personnel records of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway’s Dixon Division (1901-1932), and Farmers Telephone Directories. There are also papers of the Walter L Moore family, including records from his dentistry studies and practice, as well as some of his daughter’s school papers. There is also the Uriah C. Roe family papers, including records from his pharmacy practice in Franklin Grove, as well as a cookbook and scrapbook of party games. In addition Series IV contains information regarding the Helmershausen family and other associated material. For more information on the Helmershausen family, researchers should consult the Helmershausen Genealogy book, which is part of the Bradt collection, as well as the various Lee County history books located in the reading room. For further information on the Franklin Grove community, researchers may wish to consult the Taylor Farm Records (RC 37) and Craig L. Pfannkuche's thesis From Prairie to Produce: A History of Central Lee County, Illinois, 1840-1880 (M.A., 1968).
- created: no date
Conditions Governing Access
There are no restrictions on access to the collection.
From the Collection: 5.50 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Northern Illinois University Repository
Founders Memorial Library
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb IL 60115 US