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Sinnissippi Alliance for the Environment (SAFE) - 10th Anniversary Information and Research, 1985-1994

 File — Box: 22, Folder: 45
Identifier: Folder 45

Scope and Contents

From the Collection:

The DAARE/SAFE records date from 1969 to 2008 and consists of material created, researched, and collected by the two organizations during their legal battle with Commonwealth Edison and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Staff contesting the issuing of an NRC operating license for the Byron Nuclear Plant. The collection is divided into eleven series. Series 1, the Early DAARE/SAFE Records, is comprised of information created and collected by... the two organizations. These records include newsletters, correspondence, press releases, and programs generated by DAARE/SAFE. Additional Materials were later added that complete this series. The Official Docket Filings (Series 2) includes all the legal filings by each of the parties participating in the licensing proceeding: DAARE, SAFE, the Rockford League of Women Voters, Commonwealth Edison, and the NRC Staff. The legal process leading to the licensing decision was 1) the separate submittal by both DAARE/SAFE and the League of "issues" or contentions about Byron to litigate; 2) Motion for Summary Disposition of non-issues; 3) Responses to Motions for Summary Disposition; 4) Hearing testimony; 5) 1982 Atomic Safety Licensing Board (ASLB) Hearing transcripts; 6) Parties Filings of Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law; 7) the ASLB's Initial Decision; 8) the appeal by Edison to the NRC ASLB Appeal Board; 9) the Appeal Boards remanding of the hearings back to the ASLB; 10) the ASLB's final decision. Additional materials were later added that complete this series. The Other Plant Filings and Issues (Series 3) contains the research on other nuclear plants used by the intervenors to create their case. Series 4, Intervenor Issues Litigated in Federal Court, are the Need for Power & Financial Qualifications Contentions. This series contains filings, exhibits, correspondence and briefs filed in federal court by Business and Professionals in the Public Interest (BPI), challenging the NRC Commissions deletion of regulations requiring utilities to demonstrate capacity in both issues before licensing. Additional Materials were later added that complete this series. The Contentions Litigated by Rockford League of Women Voters Only (Series 5) consists of three contentions: liquid pathways; sabotage; and seismic. Series 6, DAARE/SAFE Admitted Contentions is divided into six subseries: Contention 1, Quality Assurance/Quality Control; Contention 2, ALARA, radiation as low as reasonable achievable; Contention 3, Emergency Planning and Evacuation Surrounding Byron; Contention 6, Byron Fuel Cladding Susceptibility; Contention 8, Decontamination and Decommissioning; and Contention 9, Steam Generators. The Steam generator contention is divided into 9a, the waterhammer problem in piping and 9c, the tube vibration problem. Additional documents related to citizen intervention in the licensing hearings for the Byron Nuclear Power Plant, primarily the citizen groups criticism of the emergency plants for the plant in addendum, were later added to Subseries C. The NRC Generated Documents Relative to Byron and Generic Notices (Series 7) includes Byron ASLB Board and NRC Commission notifications, press releases, and the reports and bulletins from the Office of Inspections and Enforcement (I&E) Reports. The I&E Reports deal specifically with the Byron Plant while the I&E Bulletins are generic notifications from the NRC to all utilities. Series 8, NRC & Edison Byron Plant Correspondence, is the correspondence between the NRC & Commonwealth Edison on the Byron Nuclear Plant. The NRC Staff and Edison Generated Review of Documents and Internal Proceeding Relative to Byron (Series 9) consists of technical documents filed by Commonwealth Edison and reviewed by the NRC Staff before the final approval of an operating license can be granted. These documents include the Safety Evaluation Reports (SER), Final Environmental Statements (FES), and Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). Series 10, Illinois Commerce Commission, includes the filings from the ICC concerning the Byron Plant. Series 11, Braidwood Filings, is comprised of documents pertaining to the licensing proceeding for the Braidwood Plant, Units 1 & 2, Byron's sister plant in Braidwood, Illinois. Series 12, added at a later date, Global Nuclear Concerns, is comprised mostly of newspaper articles pertaining to national and international nuclear topics. The series is further divided into subseries. Subseries A contains newspaper articles on nuclear power plants throughout the United States and are organized by state. Subseries B is comprised of newspaper articles on nuclear weaponry, while subseries C includes articles on nuclear and hazardous waste accidents, including the accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. Documents on anti-nuclear protests comprise subseries D. Subseries E includes newsletters and correspondence from various anti-nuclear and environmental activist groups. Documents pertaining to the Midwest Low Level Waste Compact comprise series 13, also added at a later date. The first subseries contains document related to the compact, including statements, amendments, and hearings, as well as newspapers and correspondence with government officials during the time period. Subseries B is comprised of reports and publications on low level waste, while subseries C contains newspaper articles on waste disposal and management. Subseries D includes articles on waste sites throughout the United States, and are organized by state. Newspaper articles and reports on the environmental effects of hazardous waste comprise subseries E.

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  • created: 1985-1994

Conditions Governing Access

There are no restrictions on access to the collection.


From the Collection: 34.50 Linear Feet

Language of Materials

From the Collection: English

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Repository Details

Part of the Northern Illinois University Repository

Founders Memorial Library
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb IL 60115 US