Dust & Steel [Among Thieves] [1st draft|pre-Wyrdsmith critiques] chapter 30
Scope and Contents
The Douglas Hulick Papers consists of printed (paper-based) and handwritten edited manuscripts, a small amount of correspondence associated to those materials, and miscellaneous revision notes taken while writing his book 'Among Thieves.' The collection is divided into series based upon format. Series I consists of novels (Wyrdsmiths revision drafts & critiques), Series II includes correspondence letters and e-mails (beta comments and critique notes from Wyrdsmiths), Series III contains miscellaneous notebooks filled with revisions/in progress notes, and Series IV corresponds to electronic documents (copy proofs, notes, revisions, etc) and images from his thumb drive (USB drive). Throughout the paperwork, the title for his book 'Among Thieves' was Dust & Steel before it was changed to the current title. There are also a few hardcopy papers and documents on his thumb drive that mention the story being called Among Shadows as well before having the official title of Among Thieves.
- created: 1989- 2011
- Other: Date acquired: 06/27/2011
- From the Collection: Hulick, Douglas (Person)
Conditions Governing Access
Photographs and photocopies of collection are prohibited.
From the Collection: 2.00 Linear Feet
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Northern Illinois University Repository
Founders Memorial Library
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb IL 60115 US